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New bat coronavirus found in China sparks concern​

A team of Chinese researchers have discovered a new bat coronavirus called 'HKU5-Cov-2', that has the potential to infect humans, according to reports. The virus binds to the same receptor as SARS-CoV-2, the deadly virus responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic.

The research was led by Shi Zhengli, referred to as "Batwoman" for her extensive research on bat coronaviruses. The study has now sparked global concerns over a possible future pandemic. Researchers have warned that the virus can infect human cells but its transmission risk remains significantly lower than that of Covid-19 pandemic.

What is HKU5-CoV-2?​

This newly discovered bat virus infects cells by binding to a protein found throughout the bodies of humans and other mammals. It’s closely related to the coronavirus family that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome.
Chắc tao đi kiếm cái đảo trong hồ thủy điện, hoặc 1 cái cù lao nho nhỏ mua để tránh dịch, tương lai tránh cả VKSH của thằng khoai.

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